Last year, in honor of our 10th anniversary, our board decided to embark on an update to the LAMQG logo. After lots of ideas that didn’t feel quite right, we decided to spend some time really trying to figure out what we wanted and what inspired us creatively.
We all agreed a design inspired by Los Angeles and/or quilting/sewing was the direction to go. We spent tons of time looking at other quilt guild logos. Some of our favorites were Orange County MQG, St. Louis MQG, Albuquerque MQG, Greater Atlanta MQG and Denver Metro MQG.

We talked about colors that reminded us of LA/Southern California and settled on yellows, blues & greens (think sun, sand, sky & palms!). We also identified LA landmarks that we might somehow incorporate in the design: LA City Hall, the Griffith Observatory, the Googie style Theme building at LAX, Disney Concert Hall and Grauman’s Chinese Theatre.
We created a design brief that described our guild, our target audience, our color preferences, our inspiration and all the ways we might possibly use our new logo. We then ran a design contest where we received over 50 designs! As the submissions started to roll in, we narrowed it down to 5 concepts that we wanted to explore and we worked with the designers to refine their designs.
Our final step was to present the 5 finalists to our members and open it up for a vote at our August meeting. One logo was the clear favorite so it was settled then & there! All of us are super excited about what’s to come with our new logo- tshirts, totes, notecards and lots of branded LAMQG swag! Take a look:

We are now well into our next decade with a new look and new energy, ready to create amazing things, give beautiful quilts to important causes and support and inspire our wonderful members!